Brothers from the lower east side play hooky, for the last time. The film was created from a film started, but abandoned after a fire gutted the 5 story tenement building that housed the actors on the 2nd floor and the film studio of the fifth. The week before there was a murder of a tenant on the 4th floor. There was a sort of turf war between the hells angels who lived across the street and the film over an empty lot next door. A documentary film, “Making HOOKY” 1997, and book of Photographs, STREET SHOTS HOOKY, explains bette what happened. But in 2021 a beginning and ending was written and edited using other existing footage from the same time and place. Damaged film from the original production was digitally restored, which I never thought would be possible, and an entirely new narrative film created in 2022.
Original title Escuela de Corte - Last Time We Play Hooky