Francis Alÿs

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Children’s Game #36: Kujunkuluka

Children’s Game #36: Kujunkuluka

Many of us played this as kids, spinning on the spot until collapsing. In a group there’s a competitive element, each tries to be the last one ...
Children’s Game #35: Kluddermor

Children’s Game #35: Kluddermor

Children getting into a frightful mess that only parents could sort out: this familiar scenario plays out subversively, for the rescuing ‘Mother’ ...
Children’s Game #34: Appelsindans

Children’s Game #34: Appelsindans

Each couple tries to save an orange from gravity. When it falls, the pair is eliminated. This exercise in collaboration involves intimacy: faces ...
Children’s Game #33: Schneespiele

Children’s Game #33: Schneespiele

The most basic sense of fun improvises on chance gifts of the environment. Snow-fun is too immediate to need rules, either. One game suggests ...
Children’s Game #32: Estrellas

Children’s Game #32: Estrellas

Why do all the bottle tops start the same way up, grouped together, if there are two teams? When is the ball launched with a plank and when by ...