In this captivating, jaw-dropping documentary, filmmaker Itai Anghel spent nearly a month with the people of Ukraine during the siege on Kyiv. From the day before the invasion, when its residents did not believe they were in Putin’s sights – to quickly rallying to protect their nation, and to fighting in battle. This documentary shows rare images, voices, and stories of people in Bucha, Irpin, and Gorenka, weeks before they became internationally known for the worst of reasons. Although focusing only on Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, the Israeli identity of the crew led to unexpected and dramatic encounters. As Ukraine has a Jewish president, the expectations from Israel were high; and as the war intensified, Ukrainians’ disappointment with the Jewish state grew. “I don’t feel that he’s (former Israeli PM Bennett) wrapping himself in our flag,” said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Anghel in Kyiv.
Original title איתי אנגל מלב הקרבות